“Trust in internet infrastructure is a prerequisite for a stable, functioning and free society.”

Samantha Bradshaw and Laura DeNardis on internet infrastructure as an emerging terrain of disinformation

CIGI’s Global Platform Governance Network, in partnership with Luminate’s Reset initiative, seeks to ensure transparency through actively engaging civil society and marginalized communities. That was the focus in a series of essays on the four domains of global platform governance: content, data, competition and infrastructure. The series makes it clear that a small group of platform companies dominates the online space for discourse and, therefore, determines the integrity of our economies.

Research from Michel Girard focused on making AI trustworthy, while Susan Ariel Aaronson, Blayne Haggart and Heidi Tworek analyzed the relationships between transparency and building trust in digital platforms. Robert Fay penned a chapter in a new Oxford University Press book, Regulating Big Tech, detailing a new model for global governance of platforms using a global Digital Stability Board.


2022 Annual Report