Digitalization in Korea, Sweden and Canada: Examining Governance

Digital Policy Hub Working Paper

August 29, 2024

Korea and Sweden have shown significant progress in adopting digital technologies as well as in reckoning with the challenges that digitalization brings. A study comparing the Korean and Swedish experiences with respect to digitalization indicates that these two countries have adopted governance approaches that use a rigorous planning process, establishing clear priorities and evaluating policies on an ongoing basis. In the case of Canada, while progress has been made in some domains, governance of digitalization has been characterized by more jagged priority setting. Overall, there is a distinct lack of policy durability and targeted focus on digital priorities. As Canada confronts digital transformation, there are policy lessons it can learn from the Korean and Swedish experiences.

About the Author

Shirley Anne Scharf is a visiting researcher with the CN-Paul M. Tellier Chair on Business and Public Policy at the University of Ottawa and a former Digital Policy Hub post-doctoral fellow.