Digital Policy Hub

A collaborative space for emerging scholars and innovative thinkers to share and develop research on the evolution and governance of transformative technologies.

AI Governance Needs a Climate Change Strategy

With increasing investments in Canada’s artificial intelligence (AI) computing capacity, little attention has been paid to the growing environmental harms that emerge from scaled-up AI developments. To address those harms, this working paper proposes including environmental impact assessments and corresponding limitations on environmentally degrading developments.

Christelle Tessono - Headshot

Christelle Tessono

Digital Policy Hub Graduate Fellow

Patent as a Tool for Facilitating Innovation: Lessons from Green Technology

Despite the adoption of various patent-based mechanisms, the inadequacy of patent systems in incentivizing green technology is well documented and persists. A potential solution to capture more positive externalities associated with green technologies involves the implementation of a patent prize system, also known as a “patent reward.”

Mahatab Headshot

Mahatab Uddin

Digital Policy Hub Post-doctoral Fellow

How Can Impact Assessments Improve Protection from TFGBV?

Technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV) is a pervasive aspect of digital societies and requires urgent and innovative solutions, which include the adoption of smart regulations. The EU Digital Services Act is a recent example; however, challenges that may jeopardize its potential for success in addressing TFGBV must be addressed.

Paula Martins - Photo

Paula Martins

Digital Policy Hub Doctoral Fellow

The Climate Policy Crisis: Governing Disinformation in the Digital Age

Climate change is the quintessential global challenge, while also perhaps the issue that has experienced the most polarization in recent years. New policies and approaches for policy development and implementation will be required to match the alacrity of the proliferating online flows of misinformation and disinformation.

Andrew Heffernan

Andrew Heffernan

Digital Policy Hub Post-doctoral Fellow

Conceptualizing Global Governance of AI

An institutional framework for global artificial intelligence (AI) governance should incorporate lessons from international organizations to guide AI’s ethical development and deployment within and beyond national borders.

Maral Niazi PhD (7)

Maral Niazi

Digital Policy Hub Doctoral Fellow

Toward an AI Policy Framework for Research Institutions

Research institutions, for example, research libraries, archives and universities, are an essential part of society that are at high risk for artificial intelligence (AI) adoption within basic systems such as search and cataloguing functions. This working paper surveys existing policies for AI in universities, ethical frameworks for library and archive associations, and existing international and national policies that are relevant to helping to construct a policy framework based on existing norms, practices and values.

Matt Photo

Matthew da Mota

Digital Policy Hub Post-doctoral Fellow

Language Power-Up: Are LLMs a Fair Play for International Students?

Large language models through generative artificial intelligence (AI) offer a unique opportunity to bridge linguistic gaps for international students, assisting non-native English speakers while minimizing universities’ costs. This paper also explores the ethical considerations of their usage and suggests a university policy framework for responsible generative AI use in academic settings.

Daria Bielik

Daria Bielik

Digital Policy Hub Master's Fellow