Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Policy: A Comparative Perspective

Digital Policy Hub Working Paper

February 6, 2025

In the intensifying global race for advantage in artificial intelligence (AI), three considerations around innovation policy are critical. First, there needs to be consistent and clear priority setting, set out over time. Second, AI policy needs to be embedded in a larger ensemble of industrial priorities that include a focus on digitalization and information and communication technology. And third, AI priorities need to also exist within a larger governmental focus on innovation that is targeted and focused on demonstrable results. The Republic of Korea has forged successful policies in these domains. Sweden, while having a somewhat later start in AI, has also moved forward quickly. Canada, with a long and illustrious history in AI, is beginning to lose its competitive edge. AI policy priorities need to be tightened and focused, if Canada is to have more enduring comparative advantage.

About the Author

Shirley Anne Scharf is a visiting researcher with the CN-Paul M. Tellier Chair on Business and Public Policy at the University of Ottawa and a former Digital Policy Hub post-doctoral fellow.