Connecting Canada’s Strategic Vision with Commercial Space Capabilities

CIGI Policy Brief No. 189

September 17, 2024

Canada currently lacks a comprehensive space strategy with a vision that includes civil, defence and commercial sectors and considers how to harness the innovative potential of the private sector to drive development of new capabilities for Canada, and for commercial uses at home and abroad. Canada’s allies have national visions and strategic policies that take a whole-of-society approach, enabling greater collaboration between government and the private sector by connecting priorities to capability development. Growth of the global space economy is poised to accelerate in coming decades and commercial innovation is increasingly leading the way on new technologies. Operationalizing the National Space Council and developing a national strategy that includes a clear role for how Canada will support commercialization of new space capabilities will signal Canada’s commitment and priorities to allies, partners and the space industrial base.

About the Authors

Brian Gallant (K.C., LL.M.) is CEO of Space Canada, a frequent business and political media commentator, and the thirty-third premier of New Brunswick.

Jordan Miller is a Ph.D. candidate at the Royal Military College of Canada and works in the defence and space industry.