Central Asia: Not in Our Backyard, Not a Hot Spot, Strategically Important

CIGI Paper No. 87

January 25, 2016

Central Asia is strategically important to the West because of its neighbours, but not immediately, because it is not a “hot spot” on the world stage. Western governments are ambivalent about the region because of its poor record on human rights and governance. It presents the classic choice: ideology or realpolitik. But Western policy in Central Asia does not have to be one or the other — it can be both. Western nations can engage strongly to support humanist values in Central Asia through quiet and appropriate behind-the-scenes work with government officials who understand and have similar concerns — and they most certainly do exist and can produce results. Western governments need to engage in Central Asia precisely to ensure that it does not become a hot spot and instead becomes, over time, ever more firmly embedded in the community of responsible nations. Strategic engagement by the West is essential, and it will pay off.

About the Author

Ambassador Richard E. Hoagland was US principal deputy assistant secretary of state for South and Central Asian Affairs from October 2013 to August 2015.