Canada at Economic War: The 360-Degree Threat

Policy Brief No. 199

March 5, 2025

The blending of traditional military threats/hostilities with below-threshold attacks has created a 360-degree threat environment where every form of national power is a potential weapon and near everything is a potential target. Hostile states have undercut the power advantage that secured the United States and its allies by amassing coercive military and economic power. Economic warfare has been central to their success. With deterrence failing, the United States is readying itself for the prospect of today’s economic war sliding into hot war between major powers. To secure itself, it will act unilaterally in defence of its own national interests, including at the expense of its allies/partners. This policy brief, the second as part of CIGI’s Canada at Economic War project, says securing Canada in this threat environment requires action on three fronts: a plan to maximize Canada’s strategic leverage in relations with allies and adversaries alike; uniting Canadians behind the defence of Canada; and making them active partners in that defence.

About the Author

Raquel Garbers is a CIGI visiting executive from the Department of National Defence, where she held the role of director general, strategic defence policy, since April 2018. She is also a visiting practitioner with the US Department of Defense (Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies). Raquel served as the principal architect of Canada’s new defence policy, Our North, Strong and Free.