Canada-Africa Relations: Looking Back, Looking Ahead

Canada Among Nations, 2013

June 10, 2013

Canada Among Nations is the premier source for contemporary insight into pressing Canadian foreign policy issues. Started at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA) at Carleton University, the series has brought together leading scholars, practitioners, journalists and members of the non-governmental organization community for an assessment of Canada’s foreign policy since 1984. The Centre for International Governance Innovation is proud to partner with the NPSIA, on previous and future editions of Canada Among Nations.

In this edition, contributors explore Canada and Africa’s rich history, taking stock of what has been accomplished. This volume offers recommendations for a more strategically beneficial Canada-Africa partnership in areas including trade and investment, democracy and nation building, development aid, governance, corporate social responsibility — especially in the natural resource sector where Canadian firms are heavily invested — and regional security.

Editorial Reviews

Former prime minister Paul Martin notes in his preface to the book that there is and will continue to be a huge role for other countries to take the lead in providing engineering and financial expertise to big projects that will become increasingly common as the region develops.

“The question is,” he writes, “will Canada be there?”

- Don Cayo, Vancouver Sun 

"This edition of Canada Among Nations rightly rejects the notion that Canada currently has (and only ever had) “humanitarian interests” in Africa. Ultimately, this collection will stand or fall on whether it makes a convincing case that Africa matters to Canada in the 21st century. It has not only accomplished that task but has also provided convincing evidence of the entrenched obstacles that prevent many Canadians from “seeing” interests, change, and opportunity in Africa and has offered various practical, if at times contentious or self-serving, policy prescriptions. As Gerald Helleiner argues in the summary chapter, “the aid-based and implicitly patronizing relationships of the past cannot remain dominant” (295). Readers will no doubt agree."

- Christ WJ Roberts, International Journal

“[The] editors of the book must be commended for the excellent structure, organization, and consistency across chapter contributions to the theme of the book. The book is a must read for all development economists and policy‐makers on both sides. A good read.”

Lynette Gwantwa Mwaikinda

About the Editor

Rohinton P. Medhora is a CIGI distinguished fellow, professor of practice at McGill University, and an expert in international economic relations, innovation policy, development economics and governance.

Yiagadeesen Samy is associate professor and the associate director (M.A. program) at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, and a distinguished research associate with The North-South Institute.