Projections and Trends
The projections and trends analysis uses historical data on demographic, economic and fiscal indicators with an empirical framework to calculate three sets of growth projections to 2040, each based on different assumptions. The analysis also considers the key role of technology in affecting growth and state capacity and recognizes other key challenges such as environmental change, inequality and democracy, and various uncertainties. Not only does this analysis provide data-driven insights into the medium-term conditions of different countries and regions, but it also carries implications for the future of global economic order by way of governance and cooperation.
Scenarios of Evolving Global Order
While a multipolar world has emerged, the system of global order within it is yet to be determined. This CIGI special report outlines a range of possible scenarios and pathways for an evolving global order, drawing on the insights of the initial projections and trends to assess broader geopolitical dynamics. The scenarios are not mutually exclusive and can evolve simultaneously, compounding conditions over time. We hope that by stimulating critical thinking and discussion, we can help equip policy makers with the foresight necessary to anticipate risks and opportunities in an uncertain future.