Suzie Dunn is a senior fellow at CIGI, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Ottawa and an assistant professor of law and technology at Dalhousie University. She teaches courses on contracts and law and technology, and contracts and intellectual property. Her research centres on the intersections of gender, equality, technology and the law, with a specific focus on the non-consensual distribution of intimate images, deepfakes and impersonation in digital spaces. As a subject matter expert on online gender-based violence, Suzie is contributing to Supporting a Safer Internet: Global Survey of Gender-Based Violence Online, a two-year research project supported by the International Development Research Centre.
As an innovative thinker with a deep passion for equality and technology, Suzie has published and presented her work both nationally and internationally on issues including the importance of internet connectivity for Northern youth, the application of Canadian law to deepfake technology and civil responses to the non-consensual distribution of intimate images. She is also a researcher with The eQuality Project, where she is developing a case law database on criminal law decisions involving technology-facilitated violence.
In 2018, as a policy adviser with Global Affairs Canada’s Digital Inclusion Lab, Suzie contributed to drafting two international commitments to end gender-based violence in digital contexts: the Group of Seven’s “Charlevoix Commitment to End Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, Abuse and Harassment in Digital Contexts” and the United Nations Human Rights Council’s resolution entitled “Accelerating efforts to eliminate violence against women and girls: preventing and responding to violence against women and girls in digital contexts,” both of which were adopted that year.