Paul Lanoie

Paul Lanoie is currently a full professor at HEC Montreal (École des Hautes Études commerciales de Montréal). He holds a M.Sc. in management (1984) from HEC Montreal and a Ph.D. in economics (1989) from Queen’s University in Kingston (Canada). 


Paul Lanoie is currently a full professor at HEC Montreal (École des Hautes Études commerciales de Montréal). He holds a M.Sc. in management (1984) from HEC Montreal and a Ph.D. in economics (1989) from Queen’s University in Kingston (Canada). 

Since 1992, he teaches mainly courses in the area of sustainable development and environmental economics. In particular, he has regularly taught this topic to managers in the energy sector in Mexico, Africa and China. He has also coauthored more than 50 academic articles published in leading journals such as Academy of Management Perspectives, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management and Ecological Economics.

His research focuses on the different impacts of environmental policies on the firm (its innovation, its productivity, etc.) and on the different channels through which environmental protection could become profitable for private firms.

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