Patrick F. Walsh is a former intelligence analyst who has worked in Australia’s Office of National Intelligence and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission. He is an associate professor of intelligence and security studies at Charles Sturt University. Patrick is also a visiting fellow in the School of History, Politics and International Relations at the University of Leicester. He is consulted regularly by government agencies on intelligence reform and capability issues and is a former vice-president (admin) for Australia’s peak intelligence professional body, the Australian Institute of Professional Intelligence Officers. He is currently a chief investigator on an Australian Research Council grant examining the ethics and efficacy of security intelligence collection post-Snowden. In addition, he is an investigator in the Cyber Security Cooperative Research Centre, a multi-university research collaboration. His research grants and publications focus on a range of areas related to intelligence capability, including governance, leadership, intelligence and ethics, biosecurity and cybersecurity. He has a Ph.D. from Charles Sturt University.