Nathalie DiBerardino

Nathalie DiBerardino is a Digital Policy Hub master’s fellow and philosophy M.A. student at Western University, as well as an incoming Responsible AI Technology Consultant at EY Canada. At the Digital Policy Hub, Nathalie aims to examine the role of data and artificial intelligence in Canada’s housing crisis.

Natahlie DiBerardino Photo


Nathalie DiBerardino is a Digital Policy Hub master’s fellow and philosophy M.A. student at Western University, as well as an incoming Responsible AI Technology Consultant at EY Canada. Her research, supported by a SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship, focuses on analyzing the nature and impacts of algorithmic harm, especially on members of socially marginalized groups. At the Digital Policy Hub, Nathalie aims to examine the role of data and artificial intelligence in Canada’s housing crisis. Nathalie’s work has been featured at the ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, as well as in The New York Times and other publications. She received the Western Gold Medal as the top honours philosophy B.A. graduate at Western University and was the global winner in philosophy at the 2023 Global Undergraduate Awards.