Laine McCrory

Laine McCrory is a Digital Policy Hub master’s fellow and second-year master’s student in the joint program in communication and culture at Toronto Metropolitan University and York University. She works at the intersections of feminist technology, artificial intelligence (AI) policy, smart cities, data capture and community governance in order to create socio-political critiques of AI.

Laine McCrory headshot


Laine McCrory is a Digital Policy Hub master’s fellow and second-year master’s student in the joint program in communication and culture at Toronto Metropolitan University and York University. She works at the intersections of feminist technology, artificial intelligence (AI) policy, smart cities, data capture and community governance in order to create socio-political critiques of AI. As part of her master’s thesis, she is examining the limits of a harm-based approach to AI policy through a critical feminist lens. While part of the Digital Policy Hub, she will be focusing on how emerging AI policies worldwide can be developed to support transparency, accountability and participation in urban centres.