Kristen Csenkey

Kristen Csenkey is a Digital Policy Hub post-doctoral fellow and Ph.D. candidate in global governance at the Balsillie School of International Affairs. Her research focuses on cybersecurity governance, emerging technologies and socio-technical approaches to technology management.

Kristen Csenkey Headshot


Kristen Csenkey is a Digital Policy Hub post-doctoral fellow and Ph.D. candidate in global governance at the Balsillie School of International Affairs. Her research focuses on cybersecurity governance, emerging technologies and socio-technical approaches to technology management. Her recent publications have appeared in War on the Rocks, Le Rubicon, and the Journal of Cybersecurity. Kristen’s current research projects include international cooperation on quantum technology governance, policy and infrastructure. She is often called on to give expert advice to various departments of the federal government and parliamentary committees in Canada, and has appeared on national TV and radio, including on CBC News, CTV and CBC Radio.