James M. Kaplan

James M. Kaplan is a partner at McKinsey & Company in New York. He convenes McKinsey’s global practices in IT infrastructure and cyber security. He has assisted leading institutions in implementing cyber-security strategies, conducting cyberwar games, optimizing enterprise infrastructure environments and exploiting cloud technologies.


James M. Kaplan is a partner at McKinsey & Company in New York. He convenes McKinsey’s global practices in IT infrastructure and cyber security. He has assisted leading institutions in implementing cyber-security strategies, conducting cyberwar games, optimizing enterprise infrastructure environments and exploiting cloud technologies.

James led McKinsey’s collaboration with the World Economic Forum on “Risk & Responsibility in a Hyper-Connected World,” which was presented at the forum’s recent annual meeting in Davos. He has published on a variety of technology topics in the McKinsey Quarterly, the Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal and the Harvard Business Review Blog Network.

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