Hongying Wang

Hongying Wang (王红缨) is a CIGI senior fellow and teaches political science at the University of Waterloo. She studies Chinese politics and foreign policy as well as international political economy.



Hongying Wang (王红缨) is a senior fellow at CIGI and teaches political science at the University of Waterloo. She studies Chinese politics and foreign policy as well as international political economy, with a focus on the role of emerging powers in global economic governance. Her academic articles on these topics have appeared in many journals, such as The China Quarterly, Global Governance, Review of International Political Economy and Journal of Contemporary China. Her policy papers have been published by Foreign Affairs, China International Strategy Review and Policy: Canadian Politics and Public Policy, among others. She is co-editor of Enter the Dragon: China in the International Financial System (CIGI Press, 2015).

Hongying is an occasional contributor to newspapers as well as to radio and TV programs in the United States and Canada. She is a fellow of the Public Intellectuals Program of the National Committee on US-China Relations.

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Select Publications

Wang, Hongying. 2017. "Journal of Contemporary China". China’s Outgoing Investment and Corporate Social Responsibility: Preliminary Evidence of the ‘Boomerang Effect’ . In 26 no 108: 820-833.
Wang, Hongying. 2017. "Global Policy". New Multilateral Development Banks: Opportunities and Challenges for Global Governance. In 8 no 1 (February 2017) : 113-117.
Wang, Hongying. 2015. "Journal of Contemporary China". The Missing Link in Sino-Latin American Relations.. In.
Wang, Hongying and Lombardi, Domenico, eds. 2015. Enter the Dragon: China in the International Financial System,. Center for International Governance Innovation.
Wang, Hongying and Erik French. 2013. "Third World Quarterly". Middle Range Powers in Global Governance.. In 34 no 6 (July 2013): 985-999.
Wang, Hongying and Erik French. 2013. "Asian Policy". China's Participation in Global Governance in Comparative Perspective.. In no 15 (January 2013): 89-114.

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