Chris Beall

Chris has created and leads Project CONNIE (Coordination & Open Networking Needs for the Information Environment), a new initiative connecting the parallel, often disconnected global networks supporting the integrity of the democratic information environment.



Chris has created and leads Project CONNIE (Coordination & Open Networking Needs for the Information Environment), a new initiative connecting the parallel, often disconnected global networks supporting the integrity of the democratic information environment. CONNIE will provide “intelligent facilitation,” linking current and planned activities and capacity-building efforts across policy, geographic and operational silos, reducing duplication, amplifying emerging bright spots and bolstering faltering efforts.

Chris is global lead, collaboration and coordination at the DISARM Foundation. Previously, Chris was a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, where he led a multi-stakeholder crisis response network bringing together civil society, government and industry partners working to protect the integrity of Ukraine’s information environment. Chris led the taxonomy working group for Latvia and Canada’s 2023 Summit for Democracy cohort on information integrity.

He created and led the Global Platform Governance Network (GPGN) at CIGI. The GPGN brought together civil servants, regulators and legislative staff from democracies around the world addressing aspects of digital platform governance. Chris held leadership positions in a range of departments and agencies within the Government of Canada, including as the founding director of the Digital Citizen Initiative at Canadian Heritage. Chris holds a doctorate from the University of Oxford.

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