Allison Christians is the H. Heward Stikeman Chair in the Law of Taxation at McGill University's Faculty of Law, where she teaches and writes on national, comparative and international tax law and policy.
She focuses especially on the relationship between taxation and economic development, the role of government and non-government institutions and actors in the creation of tax policy norms, and the intersection of taxation and human rights. She has written numerous scholarly articles, essays and book chapters, as well as editorials, columns and articles in professional journals, addressing a broad array of topics, and has been named one of the “Global Tax 50” most influential individuals in international taxation.
Her recent research focuses on evolving international norms of tax cooperation and competition, the relationship between tax and trade, and evolving conceptions of rights in taxation. Allison also engages on topics of tax law and policy via social media with her Tax, Society & Culture blog and on Twitter @profchristians.