Damian Collins on Joining Forces to Regulate Big Tech

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If nations share their platform governance knowledge instead of looking for individual solutions, we could better address the big tech industry. In this episode of Big Tech, British Member of Parliament Damian Collins calls for global cooperation.

As governments lose public trust, the private sector is building its trust capital. In this article, Teresa Scassa explains how Google and Apple’s exposure notification system positions them as privacy guardians. 

Highlights from Social Media

"We have seen what happens when we build tools without regard for their impact on vulnerable and marginalized people. We cannot do this again."

Watch this short video for Susan Etlinger's thoughts on the dangers of technology development during a pandemic. 

Following the congressional antitrust hearings, Taylor Owen considers the complex challenges ahead as governments wrestle with regulating big tech.

Given the UN Security Council's performance during the COVID-19 pandemic, Jennifer Welsh considers the organization's role as the world’s "top table" for managing threats to international peace and security. 

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