Tech CEOs have tended to be seen as untouchable, in part thanks to their great power, influence and wealth. So, when Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov — of Russian origin, and not a public figure, unlike Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Sam Altman — “was arrested by French authorities in France on August 24, 2024, as part of a probe into organized crime, the social media network and its CEO were suddenly thrust into the spotlight….Durov’s arrest also brought into focus the platform’s and CEO’s ambiguous relationship with the Kremlin.” Marie Lamensch explores “what sets Telegram apart from X, Instagram and even TikTok, and why we’re unlikely to see another social media CEO arrested any time soon. Telegram’s nature and ‘philosophy’ also provide insights into the role that technologies can play in geopolitical tensions and international affairs.”