Inside the Issues 4.25 | Arctic Governance

Speakers: John Higginbotham Andrew S. Thompson

Series: Inside the Issues, Season Four

May 7, 2014

Inside the Issues 4.25 | Arctic Governance

How is the Arctic changing and what are the implications for Canada? This week, CIGI Senior Fellow John Higginbotham speaks with host Andrew Thompson on issues surrounding Arctic governance. Touching on both opportunities and challenges in the Arctic, Higginbotham notes that, "It's time for a fresh look at Canada's Arctic policies." The conversation also includes commentary on the Arctic Council, shipping and trade, aboriginal rights and sustainable development.

Series: Inside the Issues, Season Four

Join co-hosts David Welch, CIGI Chair of Global Security and Dr. Andrew Thompson for the fourth season of Inside the Issues — a weekly podcast series — as they share timely and candid discussions with global governance experts on issues related to the core areas of CIGI expertise: Global Economy, Global Security & Politics and International Law.

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