The CIGI'11 conference opened with an introduction by the Right Honourable Paul Martin, former prime minister of Canada. Lourdes Aranda, Mexico's deputy foreign minister and G20 sherpa delivered the conference charge.
The first round table of CIGI'11, which focused on the global economy, was chaired by CIGI Executive Director Thomas A. Bernes. Panelists included Amar Bhattacharya (Director, G24 Secretariat), Paoloa Subacchi (Research Director, International Economics, Chatham House), Mark Twirlwell (Director, International Economy Program, Lowy Institute for International Policy), Jacques Mistral (Director of Economic Studies, Institut Francais des Relations Internationales), Oussama Himani (Independent Consultant), and Changyong Rhee (Chief Economist, Economics and Research Department, Asian Development Bank).
Series: CIGI'11: Gaps in Global Governance
As world leaders prepared for the next G20 Summit in Cannes in November, CIGI’11 looked deeper into the G20 process with sessions on issues confronting the global economy, while more broadly developing innovative proposals for global governance.