Ten Years Since the Global Financial Crisis: Lessons Learned, Opportunities Missed

Wednesday, May 31, 2017 8:30 AM - 9:00 PM EDT (UTC–04:00)
Private Event: Workshop
Global financial crisis

Join us for a workshop on the Special Issue of Global Policy that aims to appraise the successes and failures of global economic governance on three themes: 

  1. International economic cooperation
  2. Financial regulatory cooperation
  3. The management of severe sovereign debt crises

This workshop brings together top scholars and policy experts to give a multifaceted and comprehensive picture of the successes and failures of global financial governance since the crisis, and to recommend how policymakers can prevent or mitigate such crises in the future.

This event is co-hosted by CIGI at the Hertie School of Governance, where a number of CIGI fellows, listed below, will lead and participate in the workshop sessions. 

Event Speakers

Angelo Federico Arcelli is a CIGI senior fellow and a professor of economic policy at Università Cattolica.