Promotion and integration of renewable energy sources into the local, regional, and national energy matrix are fundamental to facilitating an effective transition into a low carbon economy. To that end, citizen involvement plays a key catalyzing role. Global experience with facilitating enhanced access and utilization of renewable energy sources is growing, and there are increased opportunities to disseminate lessons learned distilled from vanguard jurisdictions. The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), in partnership with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, will be hosting a panel discussion entitled Greening the Economy: Citizen Involvement and Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources with German Renewable Energy expert Arne Jungjohann along with local experts to discuss areas of opportunity for Ontario. Author of Energy Democracy: Germany’s Energiewende to Renewables, Mr. Jungjohann will be providing insight into the German experience, with local academics and entrepreneurs presenting local programs and platforms.